Alex Rudnick (alexr at cs dot indiana dot edu)
Review: Realization with CCG
Review: Realization with CCG
May 2010
Here I give an overview of recent work on natural language realization with
Combinatory Categorial Grammar, done by Michael White and his colleagues, with
some more specific descriptions of the algorithms used, where they were unclear
to me. In particular, I focus on the work presented in his 2007 paper
[5], in which White et al describe a process for extracting a
grammar from the CCGBank and using it to generate text based on semantic
descriptions given in HLDS, the Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics. I also give
some background from his earlier work, a description of some background
1 Overview
In their 2007 paper, Towards Broad Coverage Surface Realization with CCG
[5], White, Rajkumar and Martin present their progress towards
developing a system capable of producing text from semantic representations of
a wide variety of sentences, such as those found in news text. The sentences
actually used in this effort are from the Penn Treebank, by way of CCGbank, a
corpus of Penn Treebank sentences coupled with CCG parses due to Hockenmaier
and Steedman [4].
The extensions presented by White et al broaden the realization coverage and
robustness of OpenCCG [10], a freely available system for NLP with
the Combinatory Categorial Grammar, in several novel ways. First, they make use
of a large, automatically extracted grammar, the creation of which took some
engineering work, described in the paper. Additionally, to cope with the large
search space of possible sentences licensed by a purely symbolic grammar, they
use a statistical language model to guide the search for high-quality output
text. They also add the ability to generate sentences not explicitly licensed
by the grammar, when a semantic form can't be completely expressed. Rather
than simply giving up, the system always produces some text for a given
semantic representation, although the text produced may not be completely
While there have been previous realizers using OpenCCG for more restricted
domains with hand-crafted grammars, the system presented by White et al aims to
demonstrate how to build realization systems that
handle a wide range of semantic inputs with relative ease,
working acceptably for open-domain applications. In the long run, such a
broad-coverage realizer
could be used for machine translation based on semantic transfer
Overall, the system seems to work well, both in light of BLEU scores
calculated between the generated text (the scores are far above those typical
for machine translation systems) and the sensibility of the sentences
generated, although deciding on an appropriate metric for success in this task
is something of an open problem.
In the following sections, I describe the system's generation process,
including the chart realizer, its statistical language model and the process
for generating sentences not licensed by the grammar; how the grammar is
extracted from CCGbank; and issues with evaluating the system. I also give a
brief overview of BLEU and HLDS, the Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics. Text in
typewriter refers to functions and class names from the
OpenCCG software [10].
2 Realization process
The realization process follows a "generate-and-select" paradigm; the
generative aspect is a symbolic process based on production rules, in the form
of a chart realizer. The selection happens through a statistical language
model, which the system uses to rank proposed solutions, and when applicable,
guide a beam search. The extracted grammar itself is not
weighted or probabilistic; all ranking of derivations is done by the language
model. This approach contrasts with some familiar techniques for broad-coverage
grammars, such as PCFGs. It may be useful to think of this system as similar
to the decoder of a machine translation system, if we imagine the extracted
CCGbank grammar as a synchronous grammar (as described by Chiang
[3]) between logical forms and syntactic derivations.
The realizer has two modes, which have been explored at different phases of the
research. In the 2007 paper, White et al make use of the "anytime best-first
search" mode, which enables users to spend more time or computing power for
higher-quality results. The goal of anytime mode is to reliably produce
acceptably good realizations quickly, without worrying about finding all
possible realizations [8], which is the practical case for
a task like a dialog system or machine translation, where only one output
realization is required. The other mode supported by the CCG realizer is a
two-stage algorithm with packing and unpacking phases, which will find all
licensed derivations. The two-stage algorithm is described in detail in the
2006 paper [6].
2.1 Chart realization
In their 2003 paper, White and Baldridge describe the basic operations of the
OpenCCG chart realizer [8], which forms the basis of the
broad-coverage realization system used in the more recent work
[5]. Here I describe the process from the 2003 paper, which
does not account for semantic representation that contain disjunctions. In
White's 2006 paper, he describes elaborations to the process that make it
possible to generate text from logical forms that contain alternatives where
one out of several must be chosen, such as synonyms or alternative phrasings.
As far as I can tell, while this capability was mentioned in the 2007 paper, it
was not used in the experiments.
While there are many possible approaches to realization, White et al choose a
chart realizer because it can use the same grammar as a chart parser
[6], which makes it easier to ensure that all derivations that
could be produced with the realizer are also parsable, and vice versa. A
chart-based realizer also allows optimizations developed for the chart parser
to be adapted for use in the realizer, and makes generation agnostic regarding
the order of terms in the logical form (LF) input.
This last desideratum is useful for the OpenCCG approach; the realization
algorithm relies on being able to reorder parts of a logical form.
In OpenCCG, the chart realizer is a bottom-up process that produces a
derivation of the input
logical form, and thus the text of the sentence, covering every subpart of the
input semantic representation. A nonobvious high-level insight is that the
derivations being searched for are not syntactic derivations, but semantic.
This is an important distinction: the realization process is a search through
the space of ways to combine the semantic components of lexical entries.
Once that derivation has been found, as a happy side effect, it has also
produced a syntactic representation of the sentence and thus the output text.
The OpenCCG chart realizer works in several steps. First, it flattens the input
LF into a list of elementary propositions, or EPs, each of which describes one
very small part of the semantic content of a sentence. These EPs
will form the basis of the chart over which the realizer will try to form a
derivation, analogous to individual words that need to be accounted for by a
parser, although they do not have a linear order.
Once all of the EPs have been listed, the realizer looks up lexical entries
that have semantic entries matching those of the EPs that we want to cover,
records both their semantic and syntactic components, and puts these entries
into a list of components that may be used to construct the desired meaning. In
the 2003 paper, there is a note that some of the retrieved lexical entries may
contain semantic features that are not called for by the input LF, which would
result in an output LF (thus output text) that contains semantic features not
specified by the input [8]. This is interesting and
possibly worrisome, but it's not discussed how often this is necessary, or
whether it helps produce desirable output.
To account for the possibility that a given predicate in the LF may not have a
corresponding lexical entry in the grammar in use, the system also has a
non-probabilistic idea of "smoothing" that makes sure there are suitable
lexical entries available. For each word in the test sentences,
out-of-vocabulary nouns, proper names, numbers, adjectives, verbs and adverbs
are all given lexical categories that were seen for their respective
part-of-speech, but not for those particular words. Verbs are all
ascribed the five most common lexical entries for verbs, and adverbs the three
most common for adverbs, presumably with the predicate in their LF changed.
Other words are given all categories that occur more than 50 times in the
training corpus
From this point, the realizer tries to find a derivation that combines the
semantic forms of the lexical entries into the given LF. This is done with
three types of data structures. The first is an edge, which consists of
a CCG sign (derived from a lexical entry, initially), coupled with an encoding
of which parts of the target LF this edge covers, and which indices (nominals)
can be referenced from this sign. For efficiency reasons, the latter two are
stored as bit vectors, which enable quick checks for disjointness by taking the
bitwise AND of two edges and checking for a result of zero. Edges initially
correspond to lexical entries, but the result of combining two edges during the
search procedure is also an edge, so throughout the semantic derivation, they
correspond with chunks of semantic and syntactic material larger than a word.
Edges can reside either in the agenda, or in the chart.
The agenda is a priority queue of
edges that should be added to the chart; the realizer can pluggably use
different strategies for sorting the agenda, causing different
realizations to be reached first. The chart is similar to the chart of a chart
parser, in that it keeps track of partial solutions to the problem at hand,
but different in two ways:
it keeps track of which elementary propositions an edge
covers instead of which words a syntactic constituent covers, and since there's
no linear order for EPs, partial solutions are not kept in a two-dimensional
array, as would be typical with chart parsing. The edges (partial solutions) are
simply kept in a list and scanned linearly; the algorithm, described succinctly
in Figure 1 in the 2003 paper [8], is in fact implemented
very simply with Java ArrayLists, in the class
The chart parser proceeds as follows:
- While there are remaining edges in the agenda, get the first edge in
the agenda and call this the "current edge". We now attempt to add the
current edge into
the chart, but will skip it if there's already an edge that covers the same
set of EPs.
- For each edge already in the chart, see if we can combine the
current edge with this edge. This can be done when the current edge and
the edge in question have disjoint LF coverage but they have overlapping
references in the LF (i.e., they can be combined semantically)
and there is a syntactically valid way to combine the two edges. Any
successful combination of the current edge with edges already in the chart
creates a new edge, which is added to the agenda.
- Apply any unary (e.g., CCG type-raising) rules that apply to the current
edge and combine with semantically null words, such as syntactic particles.
- Add the current edge to the chart and continue processing through the
Each edge in the chart knows how much of the LF in question it covers, and the
two modes differ in what they do having found an edge that with complete
coverage. The pack-unpack mode continues searching until the agenda is empty
(i.e., all possible derivations have been added to the chart, in a packed
representation), and then can expand them into their constituent parts on
demand (unpacking). The any-time search will terminate having found an edge
that covers the entire LF, if the allotted search time is up, but continue
looking for more solutions if there's more time available.
Next, we'll describe the language model that guides the search for derivations.
2.2 Language model
As mentioned earlier, the realizer system needs some way to efficiently search
the space of derivations and select the best outputs, given that many may be
possible. The grammar itself has no notion of which syntactic productions are
the most likely. So in order to rank solutions, both partial and complete,
White et al tried several different versions of trigram models, combining
scores based on transitions over words, part-of-speech tags, and supertags.
The ngram-based language models assign a probability to a word, given the
context of the two previous words, and to a part-of-speech tag, given
the two previous tags. The probability of a supertag is estimated not using
the two previous supertags, but the two previous tags. These models are
built using the SRILM
and trained using sections 2 to 21 of the
CCGbank, which are referred to as the standard training sections
Given that the language models assign probabilities to individual words in a
particular context, one might onder how these scores are combined to give a
score for an entire edge, which will typically include many words. Multiplying
probabilities together, as is described in Equation 1 in the 2007 paper
would mean that scores get monotonically lower, since probabilities are always
in [0,1]. This seems to suggest that larger (more complete) edges would tend
to be filtered out by the beam search.
The paper doesn't explicitly answer the question of how this problem is
avoided, but taking a look at the
code in FactoredNgramModelFamily and
NgramScorer:logProb, it looks as though the logarithms of
probabilities are just being added, which is equivalent to the probabilities
being multiplied. I haven't yet understood how this can work such that the
edges that contain more words aren't bumped from the chart at pruning time. But
since realizations are in fact being produced, I must have have missed
White et al report that the most effective approach to scoring that they found
was to multiply the scores from the POS model with the supertag model, and then
take a weighted average between that number and the word-based trigram scores,
giving 75% of the weight to the word-based ngram model. The weights here
weren't tuned, but seem effective enough. One wonders what would have happened
if different weights were used, or if these are parameters that could be tuned
in a principled way.
2.3 Putting it together: beam search
White et al use a beam search to find the most promising realizations, as
described in the 2007 paper [5]. Not much is said
about it, merely that there's a beam width (which they call "n-best pruning
value") of 5. What this means in practice, according to
Chart:addEdgeToChart and
NBestPruningStrategy, is that at any given point
during the search, there may be up to five edges in the chart at any point.
These edges may be partial or complete solutions, but they are kept in order by
score (given by the language model), and every time a new edge is added to the
chart, edges after the best five are dropped.
There is also a configurable time limit on search. In the paper, White et al
use a limit of 15 seconds; presumably longer times could be used to get better
results, although in the paper the time limit was held constant. A longer time
limit might be helpful for a larger grammar, however; when testing the realizer
with a grammar derived from all available training data, the realizer runs out
of time on 68% of the test sentences.
2.4 Graceful degradation
To handle the case where no complete realization for the desired LF can be
found, White et al add an extension to the chart realizer that combines
partial solutions into some output text, even when this is not licensed by the
grammar. They say in the 2007 paper that it's the most significant extension
to the realizer itself implemented so far [5].
The extension is implemented in about thirty lines of Java in
Chart:joinBestFragments [10]; it works by
finding the most complete realization (the one that covers the largest
fraction of the desired elementary predications), with ties broken by highest
score from the language model. This is placed in a list of edges
that will be concatenated together. After the biggest chunk is found, then the
system searches the chart and agenda, greedily, for edges that cover disjoint
parts of the LF, adding the ones with the greatest (disjoint) coverage to the
list first, until no further nodes can be found in the chart or the agenda.
At this point, the target LF may or may not be covered, but there is a list of
fragments that can be joined together. Then for each fragment in the list, it
is added to a running concatenation of the edges, either on the left or right,
depending on which side yields a higher score from the language model. This
process makes just one pass through the list of fragments, and may not yield
grammatical or sensible output, but it does result in text of some sort.
3 Extracting the grammar
In the 2007 paper, White et al present the novel use of a large, automatically
extracted grammar for generating text with OpenCCG. They derive the grammar
for the realizer from the CCGbank corpus, in a process that takes several
steps. The first step is to translate the sentences in the CCGbank into an XML
format, so that they can be operated on by XSLT, a programming language for
performing transformations on XML data. As they're distributed, the sentences
in the CCGbank corpus look something like the original Penn Treebank format
and are thus not compatible with XSLT.
After the sentences are converted to XML, the XSLT processing changes the
derivations of the sentences "to
reflect the desired syntactic derivations" [5]; the
differences between the CCGbank analyses of sentences and analyses that would
work well with OpenCCG have to do with coordinaton and the handling of
punctuation. Additional changes must be done "to support semantic dependencies
rather than surface syntactic ones". I would like to understand and explain
this process more deeply, but in the interest of time and space (and since I'm
unfamiliar with XSLT), I will leave it as an exercise to the interested reader
to look at the relevant source in the OpenCCG repository in
After syntactic transforms have been performed, the system extracts a grammar
from the derivations in the corpus. During this process, HLDS logical forms
must be produced for the lexical entries; this is done by matching derivations
against a series of "generalized templates" for HLDS entries; then syntactic
parts of derivations are matched to semantic roles.
At this point, due to the lexicalized nature of CCG, the work of extracting the
grammar is done: all the information about a lexical entry and how it behaves
with respect to the CCG combinatory rules is contained in the lexical entry
White et al additionally do some pruning on the grammar for the experiments
presented in the 2007 paper. Particularly, they exclude
lexical categories (words with a given syntactic shape) and unary type-changing
rules that occur less than a constant number of times (k = 3, 5, or 10,
depending on the experiment being performed), and only allow
categories and rules that match the generalized templates.
Right after the grammar extraction process, but possibly before the pruning
takes place (the paper is unclear on this point, in section 3), sentences from
the development and test sections that can be successfully parsed according to
their gold-standard derivations have their logical forms saved for later
testing of the realizer. The great majority, roughly 95%, of sentences in the
development and testing sets are assigned LFs in this way.
4 Experiments
For the 2007 paper, White et al run two experiments, "non-blind" and "blind".
For the non-blind experiment, they extract a grammar from the development
section of the CCGbank, then for each LF that was successfully extracted from
the development section, they run the realizer in any-time search mode with a
beam-width of five and a cutoff time of 15 seconds. For this development run,
they prune out lexical categories that occurred fewer than five times, and
unary rules that occurred fewer than three times, where these parameters were
empirically tuned during development.
During the non-blind experimentation,
they try several different language models for comparison, including various
combinations of a word-based trigram model (with different kinds of lexical
smoothing), a POS tag trigram model, and the supertag trigram model, explained
earlier. They find that the scoring method that includes all three language
models is the most effective on the development set.
For the blind portion of the testing, they use the traditional training/test
split, and extract a larger grammar from the training portion of the CCGbank,
sections 2 through 21. Lexical categories and unary rules that occurred fewer
than ten times were pruned. Having extracted the larger grammar, they go
through all of the LFs taken from the development and test sections and run
the any-time search procedure (again with a 15-second time limit) for
realizations, using the combined trigram language model (word-based, tag-based,
and supertag-based). For comparison, they also repeat the experiment with
just the word-based trigram model. Again, they find that the combined trigram
language model has the best performance, but with the larger grammar, the
search for complete realizations is much less successful.
5 Results
White et al report BLEU scores for the two experiments in Tables 1 and 2 of the
2007 paper [5]. They find that, with the best scoring model,
they are able to get a BLEU score of 0.6615 on the development data (with the
grammar based on the development data), and on the blind test, they are able
to get a BLEU score of 0.5578 over the development sentences, and 0.5768 over
the test sentences. These scores are all much better than the scores that were
produced using just the word-based trigram model: the blind test score for that
model is 0.5178, for an increase of almost 6 BLEU points. So it's fairly clear
that the more detailed language model helps realization in this case.
Additionally, they give a few examples of sentences that produced by the
realizer; these two were generated from the well-known first two sentences of
the Penn Treebank, using the grammar derived from the development set.
Generating the first sentence apparently required the use of the fragment
concatenation algorithm.
- "61 years old Pierre Vinken will join the board as a nonexecutive
director Nov. 29"
- "Mr. Vinken is chairman of Elsevier N.V. , the publishing Dutch group."
These two sentences contain exactly the same words as those in
the Penn Treebank sentences, just in slightly different orders: the first
sentence has "61 years old" moved before "Pierre Vinken", whereas in the
original it occurs afterwards. The second realization presented simply switches
the order of "Dutch" and "publishing".
White et al also report on the fraction of the time that complete realizations
were achieved only using the grammar, as opposed to the fragment-adjoining
algorithm. Apparently in the development tests, only 55% of the sentences are
realized completely from the grammar, with the other 45% having their results
composed by fragment adjoining. The results are worse when the larger grammar
was used; in that case, the system only found complete realizations for 22% of
the development sentences, and ran out of time during search in 68% of the
cases. They write in section 4.2 of the 2007 paper that this is due to search
errors; the larger grammar licenses too many derivations for the beam search to
completely explore in the time allotted, and the trigram language model only
helps so much.
To confirm that search errors were a problem, they run further experiments,
including one in which they are able to generate complete realizations for
50% of the sentences in one file from the development set using the large
grammar by making use of an "oracle" language model that gives better scores
for higher BLEU scores. This is certainly cheating for machine-learning
purposes, but useful for debugging. We know that the gold standard derivation
is in fact licensed by the extracted grammar, otherwise the sentence would not
have been included in the development set. So the failures to find a complete
derivation in that case must be due to search errors; perhaps the beam is too
5.1 About BLEU
BLEU is a standard metric typically used to judge the performance of machine
translation systems. It estimates the goodness of the translation of an entire
corpus by taking the "modified precision" of the output text with respect to
example translations, which were produced by human translators [9].
Typically, measuring the precision of a translation would be done by taking the
fraction of words in the proposed output text that occur in one of the
reference translations; this is performed on a sentence-by-sentence basis. This
approach sounds reasonable, but has the problem that a candidate translation
may contain only one of the words in the reference translation and still have
perfect recall. For example, in "the the the the the the the", every word in
the candidate translation is present in the reference "the cat is on the mat",
so it is given a precision of 7/7 [9]. Modified precision changes
this by only giving points for the first n occurrences of a word in the
candidate translation, when it occurs n times in a reference. Thus, the
series of seven "theß gets a modified precision of 2/7, since "the" occurs
twice in the reference.
Analogous modified precision scores are computed, sentence by sentence, for all
of the ngrams in the candidate sentences, up to a length of four by default.
Then these modified precisions are combined together in a geometric average and
given a "brevity penalty" (to discourage translations like "the", which still
has a modified precision of 1/1). The exact equation used to calculate scores
is given in section 2.3 of the BLEU paper [9]. In experiments run by
the developers of BLEU, they find that it correlates well with human judgement
of translation quality. But in footnote 4, they also note the importance of
having several different human translators produce reference text, because
there can be many valid ways to express the same idea [9].
In the long run, BLEU scores as a metric for this realization task may not be
the best choice, for two reasons; the first being that there should be a number
of ways to express the same idea (corresponding to a semantic representation),
but there is only one reference realization used to compute BLEU scores in the
2007 White paper - just the original source text. Secondly, the use of HLDS
predicates that correspond so closely to individual words seems like it would
almost guarantee that the words in the source sentence will be nearly identical
to the ones in the output sentence. Taking a look at Figure 1 in
[5], if we look at the predicates used and interpret them as
words instead of abstract semantic entities, we see: design, based
on, be, collection, series, Funny Day, and
Villeroy and Boch; the presence of these words constricts which possible
sentences could be generated greatly.
White et al seem to have similar concerns, writing in the 2007 paper: "We
suspect that BLEU scores may no longer be useful in measuring progress, given
... our goal of producing desirable variation. As such, we expect that targeted
human evaluations will become essential."
6 Conclusions and questions
White et al describe a system that extracts a broad-coverage grammar from
a large corpus of CCG derivations and then uses it, apparently successfully, to
generate text based on semantic representations that they extract from
sentences in the same corpus.
Quite a lot of interesting future work remains in applications of this
technique. Which domains will this system work well for? Will the grammar
extracted from the CCGbank, based on news text as it is, generalize well to
other domains? Which ones?
6.1 Possible applications
The application of this system to a given domain depends on being able to
produce the semantic representations in HLDS. It may not be theoretically
difficult to produce HLDS propositions given entries in a database or some
other logical formalism, but surely it would require some software engineering
for each new domain. Worse, many database rows correspond to boring sentences:
"Inventory item number 1072 is a T-SHIRT that has size LARGE
and color RED".
Using the OpenCCG realizer for machine translation would require designing an
appropriate interlingua, such that HLDS propositions could be mapped from one
language into another. HLDS isn't a very abstract notion of meaning, in that
it contains literal words from the source language; but words don't translate
between languages in a clean one-to-one way. It's a very messy many-to-many
relationship, and each language divides up the space of possible meanings quite
differently. This problem isn't specific to OpenCCG or HLDS, of course, but is
more general to machine translation based on semantic transfer.
6.2 Evaluation
A more immediate issue, brought up in the 2007 paper, is experimental design
for evaluating this task with human subjects, considering that BLEU scores may
be less applicable to this task than to machine translation. In machine
translation, evaluation with human subjects can be done by asking bilingual
speakers of the source and target languages for their judgements as to whether
a source sentence and a proposed translation mean the same thing, or which
translation they like the best, among many. But finding human subjects familiar
with Hybrid Logic seems difficult unless one has access to a large number
of logicians.
One possible evaluation experiment would be to generate a number of different
realizations, mix in the sentence from which the input LF was extracted, and
have human subjects (native speakers of the output language) judge whether all
of the sentences listed mean the same thing, without an indication of which of
sentences were generated by computer. A good evaluation metric might be the
likelihood that a human judge will decide that the input and output sentences
mean the same thing; this metric would express the accuracy of the translation
from input text to LF, and back to text. Another axis that should be measured
is how natural the output text seems to human readers, and this could be tested
by having human judges rank candidate outputs.
6.3 Questions unanswered in the papers
In reading the papers and my cursory exploration of the OpenCCG code, I came
across a few questions that I wasn't readily able to answer. The most worrisome
one, which I wasn't able to address even after some delving into the source
code (although I am likely just missing the answer), is how the longer edges
manage to avoid being pruned from the chart. It seems as though there should be
some normalization to keep from penalizing longer strings of text, and possibly
even a bonus to help the beam search not drop complete solutions. It's clear
why phrases and complete sentences should be assigned lower probabilities than
words, but I don't understand how this makes a good scoring metric if
low-probability edges get pruned.
Another unanswered question is how often the realizer ends up using the rule
that it may include lexical items that contain semantic properties not
mentioned in the input LF (this is mentioned in Section 4.2 of
[8]); is it needed often? If so, do the sentences that
it generates come out well? Or perhaps this capability isn't even used in the
experiments run for the 2007 paper?
Regarding the any-time search procedure, while presumably many complete
derivations corresponding to a given LF could have been licensed by the
broad-coverage grammar, a beam search doesn't completely cover the space, and
White et al discuss search errors in Section 4.2 of [5]; it
would be interesting to know, for a sampling of the LFs, how many complete
derivations could have been found given a complete search. When a complete
solution was turned up, how good was it compared to the best one possible? Is
it ever the case that the grammar (even with lexical smoothing) simply can't
produce a complete derivation for the target LF, or if that were the case,
would the sentence have been excluded from testing?
On the topic of the "graceful failure" greedy-concatenation mode, the 2007
paper doesn't give very many examples of its output text, or say how sensible
the text it produced was in general. One could imagine that it would tend to
produce text with a high BLEU score relative to the input text, but this may be
attributable to individual words corresponding with particular predicates in
the LF; if the input text contains the word "dog", this will correspond with
an EP that calls for Dog; there's no danger that words like "canine" or
"puppy" will show up in the output text. This seems like a more fundamental
issue for the approach of generating from HLDS inputs without more systemic
knowledge of the relationships between words. But handling this problem
properly would require a lot of ontology-building - essentially an
English-English interlingua.
A About HLDS
Hybrid logic dependency semantics (HLDS) is the formalism used for semantic
representations in OpenCCG. To properly understand the term, it helps to get
the right bracketing: HLDS is semantics based on dependencies and
hybrid logic, not a hybrid between logic and dependencies. Hybrid logic
is a logical formalism that extends modal logic and has the useful property
that its propositions are first-class objects themselves, and may be
referenced [1]. This is not possible in some other logical
formalisms. Hybrid logic is described in detail by Blackburn in his 2000 paper
In HLDS, variables that reference other propostions are called nominals,
and they are referenced with the @ operator. These nominals are particularly
important in OpenCCG, because they are what allow us to flatten out and reorder
the semantic representations into a large number of EPs, greatly simplifying
the implementation of the chart generator while letting us keep track of which
EPs hang together by co-reference. The modal aspect of HLDS allows us to put
labels on relationships in an LF; OpenCCG uses modal logic's modes (what would
typically be used to indicate, say, degrees of certainty) to indicate
relationships between parts of the logical form, say the ARG1/ARG2 or
ACTOR/PATIENT of a verb. For more detail, see the 2002 Baldridge and Kruijff
paper [1].
- [1]
Jason Baldridge and Geert-Jan M. Kruijff. 2002. Coupling CCG and Hybrid Logic
Dependency Semantics. In Proc. of the 40th Annual Meeting of the ACL.
- [2]
Patrick Blackburn. Representation, Reasoning, and Relational Structures: a
Hybrid Logic Manifesto. Logic Journal of the IGPL, 8(3), 339-625, 2000.
- [3]
David Chiang. An introduction to synchronous grammars. 2006. Tutorial given at
ACL 2006.
- [4]
Julia Hockenmaier and Mark Steedman. CCGbank: a corpus of CCG derivations and
dependency structures extracted from the Penn Treebank. 2007. In Computational
Linguistics 33(3), pp 355-396, MIT press.
- [5]
Michael White, Rajakrishnan Rajkumar and Scott Martin. 2007. Towards Broad
Coverage Surface Realization with CCG. In Proc. of the 2007 Workshop on Using
Corpora for NLG: Language Generation and Machine Translation (UCNLG+MT).
- [6]
Michael White. 2006. CCG Chart Realization from Disjunctive Inputs. In Proc. of
the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG-06).
- [7]
Michael White. 2004. Reining in CCG Chart Realization. In Proc. of the 3rd
International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG-04).
- [8]
Michael White and Jason Baldridge. 2003. Adapting Chart Realization to CCG. In
Proc. of the 9th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation.
- [9]
Kishore Papineni, Salim Roukos, Todd Ward, and Wei-Jing Zhu. 2002.
BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (ACL), Philadelphia, July 2002, pp. 311-318.
- [10]
OpenCCG natural language processing library.
1This is not strictly true in the case of generating coordinations;
see the 2003 paper [8] for the complete account.
2Available here:
3Example CCGbank sentences
are available on Hockenmaier's site here:
File translated from
version 3.85.
On 18 May 2010, 02:04.